Waiting for the Train II

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Waiting for the Train II.jpg

Waiting for the train at Osgoode Station. 


Chris: this is such a powerful portrait in so many ways that I can't speak of it in fear of disturbing that figure.

Hello guys remember the TTC collector who was caught sleeping? Well guess what yesterday a second TTC driver, who was 15 minutes late took his regular 7 minuet 'doughnut break'. He left the passengers freezing in the bus. The dude even threatened the passenger who confronted him! Check it out, (and digg it to make it viral) -


Hi Chris,

I've used your waiting for a train in a song I put up on Youtube called Waiting For A Train. If you want me to take it down; let me know; but it fits my song well, and I'm not making any money off the song...just a first rough take of a new song idea...credited your photo too...

You can see it under my Youtube name: Qibaymike


Mike Aylward

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